Next Generation Series

New ideas for the post-pandemic World.

After the success of the Christmas Series, Vision presents in collaboration with TAOBUK the Next Generation Series. After those of Giorgio Gori, Ferruccio De Bortoli, Federico Fubini, Alexandra Borchardt and Bill Emmott, we will be hosting the presentation of other books and useful reports that will help to feed the debate leading up to the next conference on the future of Europe in Taormina on 17 June.

All the presentation are available, live, on the Vision Facebook page.

The events already realized with the Christmas Series

  • 09/12/2020 at 18.30 with Giorgio Gori's book "Riscatto. Bergamo e l'Italia. Appunti per un futuro possibile". The meeting will be moderated by Giuseppina Testoni. Speakers: Francesco Grillo, Sabrina Mossenta and Maria Fiorella Rotolo 
  • 17/12/2020 at 18.30 with Ferruccio de Bortoli's book "Le cose che non ci diciamo (fino in fondo)". Chiara Paduano will moderate the meeting. Speakers: Francesco Grillo and Maria Costanza Cau
  • 28/12/2020 at 18.30 with Federico Fubini's book "Sul vulcano. Come riprenderci il futuro in questa globalizzazione fragile". The meeting will be moderated by Simona Decina. Speakers: Francesco Grillo and Lorenzo Fioramonti
  • 07/01/2021 at 18.00 with Alexandra Borchardt's book "Mehr Wahrheit wagen: Warum die Demokratie einen starken journalismus braucht". The meeting will be moderated by Elvira Terranova. Speakers: Francesco Grillo and Stefania Baroncelli
  • 14/01/2021 at 18.00 with Bill Emmott's book "The Fate of the West: the Battle to Save the World's Most Successful Political Idea". The meeting will be moderated by Viviana Mazza. Speakers: Francesco Grillo, Alissa Kole and Alexandra Borchardt 

The events of February, March and April will be:

  • 02/02/2021 at 18:00 with Koert Debeuf's (Editor in Chief EUobserver and Former Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Belgium) book "Tribalization: Why War is Coming". The meeting will be moderated by Laura Silvia Battaglia (Freelance Journalist). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Martina Desole (Head of International Cooperation APRE & Vision) and Fabio Masini (Professor of Theories and History of International Economic Relations at the University of Roma Tre & Vision)
  • 09/02/2021 at 18:30 with Lorenzo Fioramonti's (MP and former Minister of Schools, Universities and Research & Vision) book "Un'economia per star bene: dalla pandemia del Coronavirus alla salute delle persone e dell'ambiente". The meeting will be moderated by Francesca Paci (La Stampa Journalist). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Federico Fubini (Corriere della Sera columnist & Vision) and e Riccardo Scarfato (Vision).
  • 16/02/2021 at 19:00 with Sandro Gozi's (Member of the European Parliament) book "La Cible". The meeting will be moderated by Sara Mauri (Journalist). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Nicola Bellini (Professor of Economics and Business Management at Sant'Anna in Pisa & Vision) and Carlo Stagnaro (Director of the Osservatorio sull'economia digitale of the Istituto Bruno Leoni).
  • 25/02/2021 at 18:30 with Fabrizio Barca's (Economist and former Minister for Territorial Cohesion) and Enrico Giovannini's (Minister of Infrastructure and Transport) book "Quel Mondo diverso: da immaginare, per cui battersi, che si può realizzare". The meeting will be moderated by Marianna Aprile (Oggi Editor). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Sabrina Mossenta (Career Advisor & Vision) and Rossella Muroni (Member of the Environment, Territory and Public Works Commission of Montecitorio & Vision)
  • 18/03/2021 at 19:00 with Roger Abravanel's (Director Emeritus McKinsey) book "Aristocrazia 2.0. Una nuova élite per salvare l'Italia". The meeting will be moderated by Barbara Carfagna (Rai Journalist). Speakers: Franscesco Grillo (Vision Director), Elena Goitini (Designated CEO BNL-BNP Paribas) and Veronica De Romanis (Professor of European Economic at Luiss Guido Carli University)
  • 25/03/2021 at 18:30 with Marco Grasso's (Professor of Political and Economic Geography) and Stefano Vergine's (Reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano) book "Tutte le colpe dei petrolieri. Come le grandi compagnie hanno portato sull'orlo del collasso climatico". The meeting will be moderated by Serena Tarabini (Il Manifesto Journalist). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Vision Director), Giuseppe Vito Ales (Foreign Investment Dept. at ITA) and Francesco Luccisano (Head of External Relations, Institutional Affairs and Communication at IP)
  • 08/04/2021 at 18:00 with Alessandra Sannella's (Professor of Sociology and Social Policy at Cassino University & Vision) and Mariella Nocenzi's (Professor of General Sociology at Sapienza University) book "Persperctives for a New Social Theory of Sustainability". The meeting will be moderated by Francescapaola Iannaccone (Journalist). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Vision Director), Roberto Buizza (Professor of Physics at Sant'Anna of Pisa University) and Beatrice Covassi (Head of European Commission Representation in Italy). 
  • 15/04/2021 at 18:30 with Fiorenzo Pilla's (Functional Analysis Manager at SIA) book "Webvolution: come la rete ci ha cambiato (e perché ci cambierà ancora)". The meeting will be moderated by Greta Sclaunich (Corriere della Sera Journalist). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Vision Director), Francesco Lapenta (Founding Director of the John Cabot University Institute of Future and Innovation Studies) and Paola Bonomo (Member of Investment Committee at NEVA Sgr).
  • 29/04/2021 at 18:30 with Fabio Pammolli's (Professor at Politecnico di Milano), Guido De Blasio's (Economist at Bank of Italy) and Antonio Nicita's (Professor at LUMSA University) book "Evidence-based Policy! Ovvero perchè politiche pubbliche basate sull'evidenza empirica rendono migliore l'Italia". The meeting will be moderated by Serena Bortone (RAI Journalist). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Vision Director), Cosimo Pacciani (Senior Risk Advisor) and Giovanna Melandri (President of Human Foundation).
  •  Presentations of Francesco Grillo's "Lezioni Cinesi" during the Cortona Pearls inaugural event (29 february at 5 PM), at Politecnico of Milan (4 march at 5:30 PM) and at the Circolo degli scacchi (7 aprile). 

The events of May and June will be:

  • 18/05/2021 at 6 PM with Hannah Lucinda Smith's (Turkey correspondent The Times) book "Erdogan Rising: The Battle for the Soul of Turkey". The meeting will be moderated by Laura Silvia Battaglia (Freelance contributor, The Washington Post)Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Eli Hadzhieva (Founder and Director, Dialogue for Europe), Demir Murat Seyrek (Senior Policy Advisor, European Foundation for Democracy) and Ziya Meral (Senior Resident Fellow, Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research)
  • 25/05/2021 at 6 PM with Jamie Frederic Metzl's (Technology Futurist,Geopolitics Expert and former Director for Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs for the National Security Council) book "Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity". The meeting will be moderated by Viviana Mazza (Journalist Corriere della Sera). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Sergio Abrignani (Member of the CTS) and Ernest Wilson (Former USC Annenberg Dean).
  • 27/05/2021 at 6:30 PM with Lisa Jucca's (Columnist Reuters Breakingviews) book "30 giorni a Hong Kong. Frammenti di una protesta". The meeting will be moderated by Mariangela Pira (Journalist Sky Italia). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Michele Geraci (Professor at Nottingham University in Ningbo) and Alberto Forchielli (Founder Mandarin Capital Partners). 
  • 08/06/2021 at 6 PM with Karoline Kan's (Journalist China Dialogue) book "Under Red Skies: Three Generations of Life, Loss, and Hope in China". The meeting will be moderated by Lisa Jucca (Editorialista Reuters). Speakers: Francesco Grillo (Director Vision), Victor Mallet (Journalist Financial Times) and Daniela Caruso (Professor International University for Peace – Rome).

The events of September and October will be:

  • 02/09/2021 at 6 PM "Afghanistan, guerre infinite ed oltre". The event will be moderated by Laura Silvia Battaglia (Freelance Journalist The Washington Post). Speakers: Francesco, Barbara Schiavulli (Journalist and Director Radio Bullets), Rossella Miccio (President Emergency), Arianna Briganti (Vice president Nove Onlus), Silvia Francescon (Co founder Women in International Security Italia e Senior Policy Advisor), Michele Geraci (Professor Nottingham University in Ningbo) and Gabriella Arcadu (Director 4Change Association).
  • 28/09/2021 at 6 PM the Minister Professor Enrico Giovannini (Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility) presents "Sei mesi al Ministero delle infrastrutture e della mobilità sostenibile. Le idee ed i progetti per realizzare la transizione ecologica". The event will be moderated by Eric J. Lyman (Journalist, Fortune Magazine/USA Today). Speakers: Francesco, Silvia Francescon (Senior Policy Advisor), Marta Foresti (Director, ODI Europe), Michele Alessandro Bina (Director, Relisuco Renewables Ltd.) and Carlo Costa (General Technical Director, Autostrada del Brennero SpA).
  • 05/10/2021 at 6 PM Alessandra Sannella (Docente di Sociologia e Politiche Sociali presso l'Università di Cassino) ed Emanuele Caroppo (Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst SPI) present "Will nothing be the same again?: Changes in Lifestyle during COVID19 Pandemic and Consequences on Mental Healt". The event will be moderated by Eleonora de Nardis (Journalist, Radio Incontro Donna). Speakers: Francesco, Minister Professor Elena Bonetti (Minister for Family and Equal Opportunities), Maria Fiorella Rotolo (Philosophical Coach - Counselor), Sarantis Thanopulos (President SPI).
  • 26/10/2021 at 6 PM Senator Tommaso Nannicini (Professor Bocconi University and Senator of the Italian Republic) presents his ideas during the event "COSTRUIRE IL WELFARE DEL 21ESIMO SECOLO PARTENDO DALLE FAMIGLIE: GLI INTERVENTI PER L’EQUITÀ DI GENERE NEL TEMPO DEDICATO ALLA CURA". The event will be moderated by Cecilia Tomassini (Advisor CNEL). Speakers: Francesco, Marialuisa Gnecchi (Vice Chair INPS), Tiziano Treu (Chair CNEL) ed Azzurra Rinaldi (Director School of Gender Economics Unitelma Sapienza).  

The events of December, January and February and  will be:

  • 15/12/2021 at 18:00 Romano Prodi (former President of the European Commission) presents the autobiographical book "Stranavita, la mia". The meeting will be moderated by Annalisa Piras (journalist / film-maker). Speakers:  Francesco, Sandro Gozi (MEP),  Cosimo  Pacciani (Senior risk advisor),  Stefania  Baroncelli (Full Professor of Public law and European Union - UNIBZ),  Raffaella  Y. Nanetti  (Emerit Professor UIC),  Robert  Leonardi  (Director of the Laboratory on Cohesion Policies - LSE).
  • 28/12/2021 at 18:00  John Hooper  (Italy and Vatican correspondent for The Economist) discusses the nomination of The Economist  "Italy: Country of the year". The meeting will be moderated by  Annalisa Piras  (journalist / film-maker). Speakers:  Francesco, Bill Emmott  (Author of "the Fate of the West" and former editor of The Economist) Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé  (Professor at Bocconi Business School), Azzurra Rinaldi  (Director of the School of Gender Economics Unitelma Sapienza),  Marianna Aprile (RCS journalist and author of "In balia").
  • 13/01/2022 at 18:00 Antonio Nicita (Professor at LUMSA University) presents the book "Il Mercato delle Verità". Moderated by Marianna Aprile (RCS journalist and author of "In balia"). Speakers Francesco,  Carlo Alberto Carnevale  Maffé (Professor at Bocconi Business School),Giusella Finocchiaro (Professor of Private Law and Internet Law at the University of Bologna),Eleonora Faina (Director General of Anitec-Assinform),  Romano  Prodi  (former President of the European Commission) , Ginevra Bruzzone (Senior Fellow LUISS School of European Political Economy and professor of EU competition policy).
  • 27/01/2022 at 18:00 Stefan Lorenz Sorgner  (Professor  of philosophy - John Cabot University) presents the book  "We have always been Cyborgs". Moderated by  Barbara Carfagna  (Rai journalist), and speakers  Francesco, Eleonora Faina  (Director - General Anitec-Assinform), Ernest James Wilson III  (Former Dean USC Annenberg), Francesco Lapenta  (Founding Director of the John Cabot University Institute of Future and Innovation Studies).
  • 17/02/2022 at 6 PM  Massimo Florio (Professor UNIMI) presents the book  "La privatizzazione della conoscenza" . Chaired by Nicola Saldutti (Journalist-Corriere della Sera), and speakers FrancescoAdriana Lotti (Technical Secretariat PNNR-AGCOM), Maria Letizia Giorgetti (Professor of Applied economy-UNIMI), Carlo Stagnaro (Study and Research Director-Istituto Bruno Leoni)
  • 15/03/2022 at 6 PM  Massimo Chiriatti (Chief Technical & Innovation Officer)presents the book "Incoscienza Artificiale" chaired by Barbara Gasperini (Journalist and Author), with the partecipation of Giacomo Bottos (Pandora Rivista Director), Andrea di Benedetto (President of Polo Tecnologico Navacchio), Eleonora Faina (General Director at ANITEC-ASSINFORM), with Michele Faioli (Associate Professor at Università Cattolica) and Francesco Grillo (Director Vision Think Tank).
  • 24/03/2022 at 6 PM  Fabrizio Barca (Economist and former Minister for Territorial Cohesion) presents the book "Disuguaglianze, Conflitto, Sviluppo", chaired by Annalisa Piras (Journalist - Film Maker) with the partecipation of Enrico Giovannini (Italian Minister of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility), Rossella Muroni (Facciamo ECO), Paul Nemitz (Principal Advisor on Justice Policy, European Commission), Azzurra Rinaldi (Director of School of Gender Economics, University Unitelma Sapienza) and Francesco Grillo (Director Vision Think Tank).
  • 16/05/2022 at 6 PM  Jan Piotrowski (The Economist Business Editor) follow up comment on "The Bossy State" article, chaired by Henry Tricks (Schumpeter columnist at The Economist) with the partecipation of Eleonora Faina (General Director at ANITEC - ASSINFORM), Diego Ciulli (Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy, Google Italy), Antonios Nestoras* (Head of Policy and Research at the European Liberal Forum), Andrea Coscelli* (Chief Executive Competition and Markets Authority), Vittorio Colao* (Italy’s Minister for Digital Transition), Roberto Viola* (General Director, DG Connect) Angelo Mazzetti (Head of Public Policy - Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus - Meta), Francesco Bonfiglio (Chief Executive Officer - GAIA X) and Francesco Grillo (Director Vision Think Tank).

*to be confirmed.


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