On the Road to the 5th Siena Conference - WEBINARS
As the Fifth Siena Conference on the Europe of Future is approaching (12-15 September 2024), Vision is organizing four webinars to start the conversation on the topics that will be addressed by the "problem-solving groups" during the Conference in Siena.
The four webinars will be on:
- 6th June, 6pm CET: "The paradox of Democracy and Efficiency: can we make Europe both more inclusive and fast moving?" the recoding is available on this LINK
- 27th June, 6pm CET: " The Trade Off (?) between (Financial) stability and (Economic) Dynamism: which is the pact to promote transformation and minimize financial shocks so that growth is sustainable?" LINK
- 4th July, 6pm CET: " The Puzzle of Enlargement and Institutional Change: is there a way to make the EU larger and more capable to decide?" LINK
- 17th July, 6pm CET: " The Choice (?) between Regulation and Innovation: is there a method to both "protect" consumers and unleash animal spirits? (The case of digitalization)?" LINK
Below you can find the poster presentation of the first webinar (6th June) and second webinar (27 June)
Below, you will find the DRAFT concept notes that will form the basis of discussions during the upcoming four webinars.
(Please note that these versions are still in draft form and will be updated by Vision and its partners in the coming weeks. The most recent versions of the texts will always be available on this page.)
For further information regarding the Siena Conference 2024, please feel free to contact at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..